How To Be More Present.

Do you sometimes feel like life is passing you by too fast? Perhaps you feel you are missing out on moments because you are distracted.

Being present helps you to enjoy life more, experience less stress, and to have more fulfilling relationships.

One way that you can bring your attention to an experience is by connecting to each of your senses. You can use this exercise as you are participating in a moment, and then as a journaling exercise to help solidify the experience, and make it available for yourself to vividly relive it later on.

  1. Sight. What do you see around you? Notice patterns, shapes and colours. Take a walk around your neighbourhood and count how many purple things you see.

  2. Touch. What things can you touch? How do they feel? Notice the temperature and texture, and the sensation of items against your skin. Take hold of a loved one’s hand when you are talking to them, what does their hand feel like in yours?

  3. Sound. What can you hear? Pay attention to things that are distant, close and in between. Pause and listen right now and name three sounds you can hear.

  4. Smell. What do you smell? Maybe there are strong, distinct aromas, or perhaps they are faint. Walk through a market and try to identify the different things you can smell.

  5. Taste. What do you taste? Is it sweet or savoury? Go out for a meal, slow down and notice the flavour, texture and temperature of food, finish one mouthful and wait for the flavours to completely dissipate before taking the next.

By intentionally noticing the sensory input y By being present, and “in the moment” you get to fully appreciate and enjoy life.


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