The Confidence to Travel Solo

Ian Hanomansing talks with transformational life coach Emma Hull about her solo drive to the Arctic, learning that confidence and dreams are a potent combination.

Listen to the entire episode of Cross Country Checkup to hear about other travellers’ best Canadian vacations.

You can read more about Emma’s solo adventure in her interview with the Sun Peaks Independent News.


What about this one. Going all the way from the west Kootenays to the Arctic Ocean, by way of the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk and Dempster highway. That is what transformational life coach Emma Hull did this summer. We've reached her in Burton British Columbia which is about three hours east of Kelowna. Hi, Emma.

Hi, how are you today Ian?

I'm doing well. So what gave you the idea to drive up to the Arctic Ocean from British Columbia?

Honestly back in 2017 When I heard that it was possible to drive to the Arctic Ocean. I just knew that it was something that I had to do. I was totally inspired by it. And this spring, I started thinking to myself, well, what am I waiting for? When is going to be the right time to actually do this and as a life coach, I teach my clients to have the confidence to go after their dreams. So I told myself, here's a perfect example, to really embody that spirit of self confidence and do one of my dream trips.

How long was the drive?

In total, I drove 9171 kilometers, including the 880km of the Dempster Highway.

In terms of time, I guess, you know, you stopped, but how many days from where you're staying in the West Kootenays to the Arctic Ocean. How many days did you take to drive up there?

I spent a whole month on the road for my trip. Driving time I did 124 hours of actual driving, which when I say it doesn't seem like that much. But during that month, there were days that seemed like a lot of driving. I decided to go for a whole month because I really value having the freedom to basically do what I want to do when I want to do it. So I wanted to extend my trip. I figured out a way to be able to see my life coaching clients while I was on the road. I called my company Life Untethered Transformational Life Coaching, because that's what's important to me to have that freedom, that life untethered. And so it was really fun. I had to plan and coordinate to the cell service but you know, calling in and meeting with my coaching clients from campsites in remote places and even from the Arctic Ocean it was it was so fun to do that and to be able to go for a whole month vacation felt incredibly abundant and spacious. Now, I'm so grateful to have been able to do that.

I don't know if it's the moment you looked in the distance and saw what you know, was the Arctic Ocean, or the moment you managed to get really close to it. Whatever you choose, what was the highlight when you finally got to the Arctic Ocean?

It's interesting you asked me about what it was like when I first saw the Arctic Ocean, as I was driving into Tuktoyaktuk that was like last few kilometers, I started crying. My mum just passed away this spring and I realized I wouldn't be able to FaceTime her and tell her but then I got to Tuktoyaktuk and I was able to get a campsite right overlooking the Arctic Ocean. It was beautiful to watch the sun not set, that was incredible. But the real highlight of the Arctic Ocean was the next day when I went skinny dipping in the Arctic Ocean.

And so I guess two things that occurred to me when you say that first of all, I assume, I don't know part of your motivation, I guess the freedom of doing that, but also that there were no people around. Is that part of it?

Indeed, there were no people. I did have to walk quite a way to get to the water where I swam.

How cold was it?

I was surprised I expected it to really take my breath away, it certainly wasn't hot, but it was quite tolerable. I had a little swim. I do cold plunge here every morning. So I guess I'd been training and got myself used to that.

It certainly wasn't hot. Yes, I absolutely. I am not surprised hearing that. Emma, thank you very much for sharing your story.

My pleasure.

Emma Hull, life coach in Burton, British Columbia.

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