3 Steps to a Better Life
It’s normal to get stuck in a rut at times, feeling like you are just going through the motions living day to day.
This simple three-step strategy will boost your mood, increase your confidence, and enhance your pleasure.
Do something you want to do.
Do something you don’t want to do,
Don’t do something you want to do.
Sounds simple right? It is, and here’s how it works:
Doing something that brings you joy will give you a boost of feel-good hormones which contribute to reduced stress, and a more positive outlook.
Doing something you don’t want to do helps you to expand your comfort zone, accelerate personal growth and provides a sense of accomplishment.
Not doing something that you want to do teaches you to resist urges and practice self control. Delayed gratification can enhance the pleasure when you do indulge, making the experience even more enjoyable.
Each day you get to choose the three things that work for you. Try it for a week and notice the improvement in your mood and productivity.