How To Boost Confidence with Positive Self-Talk
Wondering how to boost self confidence in a lasting way? You’re in the right place! This article will teach you how to boost your confidence with positive self-talk, guiding you step-by-step to create a positive mindset and overcome self-doubt.
The way that you talk to yourself has a profound impact on your life.
By choosing your words wisely, you can cultivate confidence and set yourself up for success.
Positive self-talk is one of the most effective tools to help you overcome self-doubt. Consider the difference between saying, “I have to” do something and “I get to” do something.
You Can Create a Positive Mindset with Positive Self-Talk
When you tell yourself “I have to” do something, it makes it onerous.
The connotation of ‘having’ to do something implies it’s not desirable, a chore, or even unwanted. Subconsciously, you’re telling yourself that life is an obligation, which can put you in a negative mindset and lower your energy, which in turn lowers the frequency of your vibration.
When you’re stuck in an “I have to” mindset, you pay attention to the things that irritate you, and where focus goes energy flows… this focus amplifies those niggles, and you end up finding the cloud in every silver lining.
When you choose to tell yourself that “I get to” do something, it feels like a privilege.
Telling yourself that you get to do something suggests to your subconscious that this is a treat. The positive self-talk of an “I get to” mindset helps you to see the opportunity in every situation. You choose to look for the positive, to uncover that silver lining. How to cultivate a positive mindset is one of the foundational strategies that I teach my life coaching clients.
By shifting your focus to possibilities, you raise your vibration, overcome self-doubt and you prime your brain to see the shiny side of life.
A Positive Mindset Will Boost Your Confidence
Just before sitting down to write this, I spent $1,500 ordering new studded winter tires for my car. Let’s break down how each mindset could play out.
If approach it with “I have to”, my thoughts might go something like this.
I might think to myself that it’s so unfair. Why do I have to pay out this extra money just so I can drive to town? Not to mention the gas money to get there and back. I’m going to have to go back in the spring to get them switched over. I have to decide if I crate Johnny at home or take him with me. And it is taking up half my day to drive to town and wait while they do the work.
See how I can let this spiral into woe is me? That one “I have to” thought produces feelings of resentment and lack. Not only does this thought cycle put a downer on changing my tires, but it also drags me into heavier energy for the rest of the day.
Conversely, when I choose to think “I get to”…
I celebrate the fact that I get to put studded tires on because I live in a mountain resort. I think about how blessed I am to be able to walk to the chairlift when I go snowboarding. It is wonderful that I have a reliable car. I get to pay on my credit card and earn extra points for travel. My dog Johnny and I can go to Starbucks and he can enjoy a pup cup. We can sit warm and cozy while someone else does the work. Maybe I can meet a friend for lunch. Or I could go on Tuesday and catch a cheap movie. Now I’m excited and looking forward to new tires.
By choosing the “I get to” positive mindset, my whole outlook has shifted, I feel lighter in my body and am more enthusiastic about my day.
Changing one word, changed my entire day. That is the power of positive self-talk.
See how much more fun life can be when you choose “I get to”? You can use this simple mindset hack throughout your day to elevate your personal and professional life. Because you are training your brain to default to a positive mindset, you are able to overcome self-doubt and get more done.
Try replacing “I have to” with “I get to” for the rest of the day and notice the shift in your energy levels, your productivity, and your interactions with others.
Easy Ways to Boost Confidence with Positive Self-Talk
Let’s try some examples of how you can boost confidence with positive self-talk using the “I get to” positive mindset.
Instead of having to workout at 6am, you get to. Tell yourself it is a delight to celebrate your body each and every morning.
You don’t have to pay your property taxes, you get to. Think about how grateful you are for the abundance of owning a property and getting to pay taxes.
Rather than having to take your dog out to pee, you get to. Thank your canine companion for reminding you to get up take a quick break.
You don’t have to make a presentation to the Board today, you get to. Consider what an honour it is to share your thoughts with this audience
Instead of having to make the kids lunch, you get to. Remember, you always wanted a family, and this is you living your dream.
Transform Your Life with a Positive Mindset
Every small shift in your self-talk has the potential to make a big difference. By changing “I have to” into “I get to,” you’re giving yourself the gift of a positive mindset and a more fulfilling life. Imagine how much more confident, energized, and resilient you can feel just by choosing words that lift you up. Positive self-talk is a powerful tool for overcoming self-doubt and unlocking your potential, one thought at a time.
Because they master mindset strategies like this, my private life coaching clients get further, faster. Learn how working with a life coach can help you reach your goals so you can enjoy confidence and success.
The next time you face a challenging task, remember that you have the power to reframe any problem as an opportunity. With each “I get to” moment, you’re training your brain to see life’s possibilities and to find joy in the present. So, what will you get to do today? Take a moment to appreciate it and watch how your confidence grows along the way.
Emma Hull is Canada’s Top Confidence Coach, an internationally recognised life coach, speaker and educator. Her approach is simple, she teaches you to master your mindset so you can move forward with confidence. She is the founder of Life Untethered Coaching based in Kamloops BC and serving clients worldwide. Book your free strategy session to begin your transformation.